Weekly Programming - Week 0

Programming for the Sake of Programming
read in ~1 minute | Aug 9th 2021

Programming projects help programmers get better. I’m going to start publicly doing some to increase specific skills I want to work on.

Although I suspect nobody will read this, I want you to participate to whatever degree you feel is comfortable. Here are the rules:

This week’s theme is going to be Text Generation. Generate any kind of text, it has to be random to some degree. Searching for algorithms online is greatly encouraged.

  1. Complete the task to any degree using any language.
  2. A new task will come out every Monday.
  3. Post the result somewhere by Sunday as proof of completion.

There will be scoring as follows:

Scoring will be entirely done on the honor system. Feel free to include your current score along with your post.

Take your time, quality is way better than quantity, and I’m excited to see what we can do!

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I don't have comments on this site as they can be time consuming to manage. I'd rather concentrate on programming cool and new things.

Since you can't leave a comment, feel free to ✉️ contact me instead.