Weekly Programming - Week 2

Programming a Game Player
read in ~1 minute | Aug 23rd 2021

Programming projects help programmers get better. I’m publicly announcing a project every week on Monday with the goal of helping you get better at programming along with me.

This week’s programming challenge is to make a bot that plays this game.

The Game Of Trust:

  1. Two points are up for grabs.
  2. Each Player can either choose to share or to steal.
  3. If Both players steal, nobody gets points.
  4. If one player steals, that player gets all of the points.
  5. If both players share, each player gets one point.

The bot doesn’t have to play the game well, it just has to be capable of playing against a person and/or another bot.

The rules are as follows:

  1. Complete the challenge to any degree using any language.
  2. A new challenge will come out every Monday.
  3. Post the result somewhere by Sunday as proof of completion.

There will be scoring as follows:

Scoring will be entirely done on the honor system. Feel free to include your current score along with your post. For example: my personal score is 4 at the time of writing.

Take your time, I’m excited to see what we can do!

If you liked this also check out: Last Week’s Challenge and My Result From Last Week

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