My Website Is Improving!

Working with Liquid HTML
read in ~1 minute | Jan 16th 2022

You might have noticed that posts now has a few extra little widgets and layout enhancements, and that’s because you’re right!

I’ve been working on improving the styling and layout for a little bit now, and I’m glad to be able to show them off.

<h2>🪧 Enjoy Reading This?</h2>
<p>Here are some more you might like to read next:</p>

<<<<<<< HEAD
{% assign maxRelated = 5 %}
{% assign maxCommonTags = 20 %}
{% assign seenPostsString = "" %}
{% assign maxRelatedCounter = 0 %}
{% for thisCommonTag in (0..maxCommonTags) %}
	{% for post in site.posts %}
    	{% assign sameTagCount = 0 %}
    	{% assign commonTags = '' %}
		{% for tag in post.tags %}
			{% if post.url != page.url %}
            	{% if page.tags contains tag %}
            		{% assign sameTagCount = sameTagCount | plus: 1 %}
            	{% endif %}
        	{% endif %}
		{% endfor %}
		{% assign thisCommonTagLimit = maxCommonTags | minus: thisCommonTag %}
		{% if seenPosts contains post.url %}
		{% else %}
    		{% if sameTagCount >= thisCommonTagLimit and post.url != page.url %}
        		{% if maxRelatedCounter >= maxRelated %}
            		{% break %}
        		{% endif %}
				<li><p><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a> - 📅 {% assign d = | date: "%d" | plus:'0' %}{{ | date: "%b" }} {% case d %}{% when 1 or 21 or 31 %}{{ d }}st{% when 2 or 22 %}{{ d }}nd{% when 3 or 23 %}{{ d }}rd{% else %}{{ d }}th{% endcase %} {{ | date: "%Y" }}
        		{% assign maxRelatedCounter = maxRelatedCounter | plus: 1 %}
				{% assign seenPostsString = seenPostsString | append: ',' | append: post.url %}
				{% assign seenPosts = seenPostsString | removeFirst: ',' | split: ',' %}
			{% endif %}
		{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign maxRelated = 3 %}
{% assign minCommonTags = 1 %}
{% assign maxRelatedCounter = 0 %}

	{% for post in site.posts %}
    	{% assign sameTagCount = 0 %}
        {% assign commonTags = '' %}

		{% for tag in post.tags %}
        	{% if post.url != page.url %}
            	{% if page.tags contains tag %}
            	{% assign sameTagCount = sameTagCount | plus: 1 %}
            	{% endif %}
            {% endif %}
		{% endfor %}

        {% if sameTagCount >= minCommonTags %}
    		<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>

            {% assign maxRelatedCounter = maxRelatedCounter | plus: 1 %}
            {% if maxRelatedCounter >= maxRelated %}
                {% break %}
            {% endif %}
		{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}
	{% assign newestCount = maxRelated | minus: maxRelatedCounter %}
	{% for post in site.posts limit: newestCount %}
    		<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
	{% endfor %}
>>>>>>> c0f276a (added switch project)


I knew how to do none of this a month ago, but now I can edit my website to statically generate a ton of stuff.

🪧 Enjoy Reading This?

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💬 Looking for comments?

I don't have comments on this site as they can be time consuming to manage. I'd rather concentrate on programming cool and new things.

Since you can't leave a comment, feel free to ✉️ contact me instead.