Things Lead to Their Opposites

A Generalization That's Generally True
read in ~1 minute | Apr 2nd 2022

It’s hard to remember sometimes that things lead to their opposites. That in order to be hungry, you must have been full. In order for you to be happy, you must have some kind of sadness to compare the experience to.

These things are all true because they have to be.


Change only occurs because there was and then there wasn’t. Logic like this drives humanity. Nothing is constant… is the only constant. Adapting and overcoming is standard mode of operation and is thus not an adaptation. Contradiction is a standard part of any logic system, it’s inescapable. Logic is infinitely complex but in many ways so simple, that it would be unthinkable for it to not contradict itself somewhere.

Beliefs are systems of logic that exist to simply the infinitely complex reality we live in. Beliefs are tools to be used and not pieces of our identity. Identity changes constantly, and holding onto it too tightly can cause unnecessary suffering. No belief is 100% accurate, there are always contradictions, and there is always some margin of error.


And if you re-learn anything from this post: Don’t believe every thought that you think.

Also, human behavior change mainly starts with habits, not a state of mind, and especially not a list of strange sentences.

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