Hidden Costs

Examples and Generalizations of How Systems Disguise Their Motives.
read in ~2 minutes | May 21st 2021

Every programmer has used a development stack. A framework, an API, or maybe a template. Anything that makes money with each use is incentivised to make sure that you, as the developer never switch to an alternative or stop using it. This means that they are also incentivised to make sure that the API becomes deeply implanted into the system that you make.

Maybe its a weird timing quirk, or an unexplainable fringe bug. The last quirk of truly evil systems, is that these properties are ensured to be lay hidden until replacing the product becomes costly or timely. I’m not saying that it’s immoral to write or promote these kinds of services to developers, I’m just saying that the effort that goes into them and the effort that goes into replacing and modding them to correctly work with a business can slow or destroy a business.

That last point extends past software or a single industry. Every industry has an inherent need to manipulate the general population to their direct or indirect benefit. Sometimes this means staying quiet about an issue and pressuring internal actors to be quiet or else. Other times, this means that the industry changes the focus of outrage on to something inconsequential. Uprooting these lies is essential for improving society.

Each industry has its dirty secrets. These secrets can either be critical to business or a big enough PR disaster to heavily cripple that business. Hopefully most of these secrets are nothing to worry about. To protect future business and the better interest in future human civilization, I herby heavily promote whistle-blowing in areas where secrets are worse-off being kept rather than freed. This doesn’t mean that people should throw company or government secrets into the public spotlight just to spite their bureaucratic overlords. Instead only when information that is exposed directly and continually benefits humanity as a whole while dealing minimal damage to the organization in question.

Those have been my thoughts for today. Went off on a tangent, but hopefully it was still interesting.

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